Agreements & Waivers
At Soar Creative, we love what we do! Your safety and the preservation of our spaces is what makes Soar Creative a safe and creative environment for all our guests. We ask each guest to fill out the Participant Agreement Risk Release Waiver and/or the Rental Agreement once every 12 months.
How to fill out the Agreements / Waivers
To complete your waiver, please:
Select the one (s) in the scheduler below which applies to your reservation.
Click on the 6:00am button for the first available date shown in the black circle in the scheduler. If you experience any issues, please select tomorrow / the next day’s date and then click on the 6:00am button. Please note that the waiver / agreement is valid for one calendar year or 12 months and not 1 hour. This part of the form is merely a timestamp.
Then click on "Select and continue" to be directed to the actual form. Please fill out the form and then click “Complete Appointment” when finished.
Thank you! We look forward to continuing to host you in our space.